What is Shigellosis (Shigella spp.)? #National‬ ‪#‎Foodsafety‬ ‪‎#Education‬ month

Shigellosis is an illness caused by the Shigella spp bacteria. The “spp” stands for Species.

The Shigella spp bacteria is found in the feces of humans that have the illness. Shigellosis occurs when contaminated food or water is consumed. The bacteria can also be transmitted by flies from the feces to food supplies. While it only takes a small amount of this bacteria to make a person sick, high levels of the bacteria can be found in the feces for several weeks after the symptoms have ended.

Shigellosis causing bacteria Shigella spp
Shigellosis causing bacteria Shigella spp

Shigellosis symptoms include frequent bouts of water diarrhea (the main symptom), abdominal cramping, nausea, and vomiting. it is possible for some people to have either blood or mucus in their stool, and they may run a fever. Symptoms usually begin within three days of coming in contact with the Shigella bacteria.

The main food items that are linked to this illness are: foods that are easily contaminated by hands, such as salads containing temperature control for safety foods (potato, tuna, shrimp, chicken, and macaroni). The bacteria can also be found in food that has made contact with contaminated water, such as produce.

To help prevent the spread of this illness:

1. Exclude foodhandlers that have diarrhea and have been diagnosed with an illness caused by Shigella spp. from the operation.

2. Wash hands

3. Control flies inside and outside the operation.

If you have any questions about anything that is presented in these lessons, or have a question about anything regarding food safety, please feel free to contact me.

Check Dr. Mc Keown’s blog daily to see what information we have to share during September, the #National #Foodsafety #Education Month, #NFSM.

Tomorrow’s lesson:  “What is the difference between Non-O157 and E.coli O157”?