#National #Foodsafety #Education Month of Sept.

Check Dr. Mc Keown’s blog daily to see what information we have to share during September, the #National #Foodsafety #Education Month, #NFSM.

Proper Handwashing helps with #foodsafety #education.
Proper handwriting is always key in practicing proper foodsafety.

in this blog, we will provide lessons exploring the causes of food borne illness, in addition to lessons in all areas of food safety will be provided for your information. So, don’t forget to join the conversation on social media by using #NFSM.

#National #Foodsafety #Education month was created in 1994 to heighten the awareness of food safety education. Each year, we feature a new theme and create free training activities and posters for the restaurant and foodservice industry to help reinforce proper food safety practices and procedures. (from ServSafe)

According to the USDA, there is no evidence that food is associated with spreading COVID-19; however, proper food safety practices help prevent contamination.