When it comes to foodborne illnesses, some individuals are more susceptible to harmful bacteria than other individuals. The following is a list of individuals that are considered “High Risk populations” for foodborne illnesses.
Elderly people As we age, our immune systems begin to weaken. In this weakened state, we become more susceptible to foodborne illnesses.
Preschool-age children Immune systems in the very young may not have strengthened to a point where they can successfully fight a foodborne illness.
People with compromised immune systems These can include people on certain medications and people that are dealing with certain medical conditions, which can weaken an individuals immune system. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to: individuals with cancer or having chemotherapy, individuals with HIV or AIDS, and transplant patients.
Special care should be taken for each of these types of individuals, and especially if you are dealing specifically with these populations as a whole, such as at retirement homes, preschools, and hospitals or hospices.
Tomorrows lesson: What are TCS foods and what does TCS stand for?