September is ‪‎National‬ ‪#‎Foodsafety‬ ‪‎Education‬ month #NFSM. Today’s lesson: What is Bacillus cereus gastroenteritis (Bacillus cereus bacteria)?

Bacillus cereus is a bacteria found in the soil that is spore-forming. When the bacteria senses danger, it forms into a spore that can make it resistant to cooking temperatures. It would then revert back to its bacteria form when conditions are more favorable for it. If allowed to grow, the bacteria can create two different toxins which in turn can cause two different types of illnesses.
The foods most commonly linked to this bacteria are:
Diarrhea illness: Cooked vegetables, meat products, and milk.
Vomiting illness: Cooked rice dishes, including fried rice and rice pudding
The most common symptoms:
Diarrhea illness: watery diarrhea with no vomiting
Vomiting illness: Nausea & vomiting
The main prevention method for this bacteria is to control time and temperature of your products. Other prevention methods include:
1. Cook Foods to minimum internal temperatures.
2. Hold food at the right temperatures.
3. cook food correctly.
If you have any questions about anything that I present in these lessons, or have a question about anything regarding food safety, please feel free to contact me.
Tomorrow’s lesson: What is Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis (Clostridium perfringens bacteria)?