New #foodsafety #advisory possible #inadequate #pasteurization of Westby Cottage Cheese

DATCP Issues Consumer Advisory for Cottage Cheese Produced By Westby Cooperative Creamery

August 26, 2016



Division of Food and
Recreational Safety


Raechelle Belli
Bill Cosh


MADISON, Wisconsin — The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) – Division of Food and Recreational Safety is issuing a consumer alert for 4% cottage cheese made by Westby Cooperative Creamery located in Westby, Wisconsin. The presence of active alkaline phosphatase was discovered in samples during routine testing and may indicate that the product was not adequately pasteurized.
Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme naturally present and active in raw milk that is not active in milk that has been sufficiently pasteurized. Raw milk can be contaminated by pathogenic bacteria like E. coli O157, SalmonellaCampylobacterand Listeria. If these pathogens were present in the raw milk that was inadequately pasteurized, they may have survived and, if ingested, could cause illness. No illnesses have been reported related to consumption of this product and no other Westby Cooperative Creamery products are included in this advisory.
Nearly 700 cases of product were distributed statewide in Wisconsin and to Aurora, Illinois. Consumers should only be concerned with cottage cheese sold on or before August 26, 2016 in 16-, 22- and 24-ounce containers under the Westby, Food Club, Oberweis and Shurfine brand names. The containers will contain lot code 10-6-16 cc. Consumers in possession of this product should not consume it, but should return it to the place of purchase or discard it.
Symptoms of foodborne illness are diarrhea and/or vomiting, typically lasting 1-7 days. Other symptoms might include abdominal cramps, nausea, fever, joint/back aches and fatigue. If you have consumed this product and think you may be ill, contact your physician immediately.
For more information on other food product advisories or recalls, contact the Division of Food and Recreational Safety at 608-224-4700, by e-mail; or online at